st. johns wort tincture
st. johns wort tincture
We often hear about St Johns Wort being an ally for lifting depression, feelings of heaviness, mood lifting, etc.. but it is also a potent PROTECTIVE medicine for our Spirit and energy.
It thrives in rough conditions, along edges of dirt roads, but also nearly anywhere it chooses. It carries powerful antiviral, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. Topically it helps heal burns and wounds. When a Plant has antiviral etc components i always feel them as very protective in the energetic realms of such things too. I believe that the lifting of ‘depression’ is ‘its side effect’ of protecting our Life Force energy.
Connecting us to the radiant Sun that shines within, reminding us of that brightness, lightness, and warmth. It blooms around the time of the summer solstice, and to make medicine from its flowers for the winter months is like bottling sunshine for gentle powerful reminders.
*Do Not take St. John's Wort with other antidepressants, including SSRIs